

细胞生物学硕士生在读, 正在努力学习数理化

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TOEFL | 历史学相关背景材料+习题精炼+词汇整理

Ancient Egypt 古埃及 Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River - geographically Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, in the place that is now occupied by the countries of Egypt and Sudan. 古埃及是非洲东北地区的文明,在地理上被尼罗河一分为二

TOEFL | 生物/生态学相关习题精练+词汇整理

植物学 阅读1:Invading Algae (TPO72-1) Biological invasions by exotic species are an escalating threat to biodiversity around the globe. Invasive species can displace native ones and irrevocably alter ecosystems. Most imported species either die or have limited growth in their new home, but a small percentage of the newcomers are opportunists whose growth is dangerously out of control.