TOEFL | 口语优秀答案分析与万能理由整理
23 年 7 月托福改革之后,口语部分的考试共分为 4 个 Task,分别是:
Task1:给定一个话题,一般是对立的观点二选一或者问你同不同意某个观点,准备 15 秒,说 45 秒
Task2:首先给一个阅读材料(通常是书面通知,一般与校园生活相关,或者是某个学生对学校的建议,也可能是某个教授的课程信息通知等),阅读材料中会有一个措施,以及一般有两个支持的理由。阅读材料 45 秒后会放一段听力,听力内容是一男一女两个学生对书面内容的讨论,或赞成或反对。最后让你准备 20 秒,说 60 秒,
简单复述书面通知内容+学生的态度、观点和相应的例子(一般是两个) 。PS:需要注意的是,阅读材料在口语环节不会再现,需要抄下一些措施和相应的支撑论点 -
Task3:首先会给一段书面文字,其中简要的对某个概念下定义,而听力部分会有一个教授对这个概念进行讲解,一般是用一个例子来讲解。阅读时要记录下这个定义,听力过程中也是尽量记录所有细节。考试时准备 20 秒,说 60 秒,首先
说明这个概念的定义,然后说明教授是如何用例子阐述这个概念的 。 -
Task4:没有阅读材料,全程听力。听力中教授一般会先讲一个背景(背景不重要),然后引出某一内容的 two aspects / reasons / methods,比如 2 种让动物消耗更少能量的捕猎方式。同样是准备 20 秒,说 60 秒,但是口语的结构就变成了:
第一,xxxx;相应的例子是,xxxx; 第二,xxxx, 相应的例子是,xxxx 。
通读下来,口语的前两个 Task 都是基于 yes or no 的模式,其是和写作有异曲同工之妙的,其可以适用相同的模板素材,在陈述的时候同样是论点+论据的模式
而后两个 Task 则是综合口语,更像是开放的问答,所以显得记笔记就很重要了!
- 口语中,如果出现 3s 以上的停顿,是会扣分的,停顿过多,直接掉档。因此,口语的时间一定要尽量撑满,剩下 1 ~ 2s 是没关系,但是撑满总没错。这样能保证流利度不会扣太多的分。
- 口语想要拿到高分,在提供关键信息点的前提下,还要加入适当的高端词汇(5 ~ 6 个高端词汇才有可能拿到 28+的分数,当然答主是不敢把这个当作目标的)想要在口语有限地准备时间中还有顾及高端词汇是很难的,但借助
模板 的力量,口语小白也可以在表达中固定地增添 3 ~ 4 个高端词汇,还是很可观的。 - 4 个 task 都没有对所谓结论句的要求,结论句可以用来凑时长,但是不是必要的。
- 口语对语速有一定要求,一般来说中等偏快语速是 120w/45s,150w/60s,但这是高手水平了,是奋斗目标。语速和清晰度是需要权衡的,个人认为还是清晰度比较重要,起码让考官先听清楚关键点(可以用微信的语音转文字进行测试,如果能准确识别说明没问题)。
- 口语考试时的自信是很重要的,不要受到周围人干扰,自信地表达自己!把对面想象为一个人,你在带着感情地跟人说话,切忌语调往下掉
- 在口语表达时,一定要注意论证的逻辑和论据的质量!在使用案例论证时,一定要展开经过,表达一些吸引人的细节,要听起来有说服力!
- 在回答观点是非题目的时候,可以不适用 I agree with … for two reasons. Firstly, …; Secondly, … 而是使用 I agree … because … In addition/What’s more, … 这样的结构,避免时间不够说第二点(时间不够了就用结论句总结,避免被打断)
2024年4月13日托福口语真题Task1 花时间看新闻Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend time reading the news everyday in order to know what is happening in other countries around the world.
I agree that people should spend time reading the news every day to understand global events. (直接说理由) Daily news consumptionbroadens perspectives ,enhances knowledge , andfosters global awareness . Itcultivates critical thinking andpromotes a global mindset . (适当退步) However, excessive news intake can lead to anxiety and information overload. Emphasizing moderate and selective reading balances the need for information with mental well-being. (总结) In conclusion, daily news reading is essential for staying informed, but it should be approachedwith moderation and discernment .案例2:
I agree that people should spend time reading the news every day to understand
what is happening in other countries around the world . In our interconnected global society, events in one nation can haveripple effects across the globe . Being informed about international news helps individualsgrasp global trends and understand how these might impact them personally .Furthermore, reading news from around the world enhances one’s understanding of diverse cultures and perspectives,
fostering cross-cultural communication and empathy . This broadened worldviewis essential for building a more open and inclusive society.Lastly, keeping up with international news encourages the development of
critical thinking skills. It teaches people to analyze information from various sources and viewpoints, a crucial ability in today’s era of information overload.In conclusion, reading the news daily is vital for staying informed about global events, understanding the interconnectedness of our world, appreciating cultural diversity, and cultivating critical analysis skills.
2024年3月27日托福口语真题Task1 选择方便还是实惠Some people prefer to shop regularly at a store that is close and convenient to them, even though it might be expensive. Others prefer to shop regularly at a store with the lowest prices, even if it is far away. Which do you prefer?
Use details and examples to explain your opinion .你愿意去离家近但是贵的超市买东西,还是远但是便宜的超市买?
I prefer shopping at a store that is close and convenient, even if it might be a bit more expensive. For me, the value of time and the convenience faroutweigh the cost difference. Shopping nearby saves me significant time that would otherwise be spent commuting to a farther store just to find lower prices.This is particularly every minute counts. Additionally, convenience is a crucial factor; needing to make quick purchases or respond to immediate needs is far easier when the store is just around the corner. While I understand the appeal of saving money by shopping at stores with lower prices, the time and energy saved by shopping locally enhance my quality of life.valuable in a busy lifestyle whereMoreover , frequenting a nearby storefosters a sense of community and supports local businesses, contributing positively to the local economy.Thus , for me, the benefits of convenience and time savings clearly justify the choice. -
2024年4月27日托福口语真题Task1 教育需要表扬还是批评Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior.
I agree that praising good behavior is the best way to educate children. It boosts their confidence, motivation, and encourages continued positive actions. Criticizing bad behavior may harm their self-esteem and disrupt
family dynamics . However, constructive criticism helps children recognize mistakes and learn to improve. Balancing praise and criticism fosters good morals and self-management skills.经验总结:在组织论据时,可以从两件事情的正反两面进行评价,可以说A行为好,也可以说B行为不好
2024年4月6日托福口语真题Task1 演说家与领导者Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A leader needs to be a gifted speaker.
I firmly believe that being a gifted speakeris essential for a leader.First and foremost, excellent speaking skills enable leaders to effectively communicate their vision and plans, which is crucial for
motivating their team and advancing projects . A leader whoarticulates ideas clearly and persuasively can inspire and unite people towards common goals.Moreover, during public crises or organizational challenges, a persuasive speech can calm public fears and restore confidence. This ability to communicate effectively in difficult times demonstrates leadership strength and
.reassures stakeholders and employeesalike Finally, outstanding communication skills
are instrumental in building trust and respect. Leaders who convey openness and integrity through their speeches can attract more supporters and followers,fostering a stronger and more cohesive team or community.In conclusion, the capacity to speak well is not just a
complementary skill for leaders; it isfoundational to their role in inspiring, guiding, and uniting people,especially in challenging situations.2024年2月27日托福口语真题Task1 学校关闭机房Because most students have their own laptops, your university is considering closing the campus computer lab, where students use university-owned computers. Do you think this is a good idea and why?
I believe closing the campus computer lab is not a good idea. Firstly, not all students own laptops that are capable of running specialized software or high-performance tasks required for certain courses. The computer lab provides essential hardware resources that ensure all students can meet academic requirements, regardless of their personal computer’s capabilities.
Secondly, computer labs serve as vital spaces for learning and collaboration. They offer an environment conducive to focused study and promote group work and academic discussions, which are crucial for comprehensive learning.
Lastly, considering technical issues and the need for maintenance services, personal computers may encounter unforeseen problems. Computer labs act as a backup option, ensuring that students’ education is not disrupted due to technical difficulties with their laptops.
In conclusion, keeping the computer lab open is essential for ensuring equitable access to technology, fostering a collaborative learning environment, and providing a reliable alternative for students facing technical issues with personal devices.
2024年3月10日托福口语真题Task1Some people believe old people should not take risks or participate in adventurous/challenging events as young people do. Do you agree or disagree and why?
I disagree with the notion that elderly people should not take risks or participate in adventurous/challenging events like young people. Engaging in such activities can keep older adults mentally and physically vibrant, enhancing their enjoyment and satisfaction in life, which is beneficial for their overall health and well-being.
Additionally, barring elderly people from these activities amounts to ageism, implying that they are incapable of participation due to their age. Individuals vary greatly in their physical condition and abilities, and the opportunity to participate should be based on personal capability rather than age.
Moreover, participating in challenging activities promotes intergenerational communication and understanding. When older adults join in with the younger generation, it strengthens bonds and fosters mutual respect between them.
In conclusion, preventing the elderly from engaging in adventurous or challenging activities is not only detrimental to their well-being but also promotes unnecessary stereotypes. Everyone, regardless of age, should have the opportunity to experience life to its fullest.
2024年2月3日托福口语真题Task1Do you agree or disagree: happiness comes from helping others rather than helping yourself?
I partly agree that happiness comes from helping others more than helping oneself. Assisting others fosters a sense of connection and fulfillment, contributing to personal happiness. Through helping, individuals gain a sense of purpose and accomplishment, leading to heightened satisfaction. Nevertheless, personal fulfillment and introspection also play a critical role in happiness. Pursuing personal passions and goals can result in tremendous joy and contentment. Therefore, while aiding others undeniably leads to happiness, personal pursuits and self-improvement are equally vital for one’s overall well-being.
2024年1月27日托福口语真题Task1Some people prefer to read reviews written by critics before watching a movie; Other people prefer to watch the movie without reading reviews of it. Which way do you prefer and why?
Personally, I prefer to read reviews written by critics before watching a movie. Firstly, reviews serve as a useful filter. They help me save time by steering clear of movies that may not align with my taste. Critics often point out aspects such as plot weakness or poor character development, which are crucial for me in selecting a movie. Secondly, reading reviews can enrich the viewing experience. Critics usually provide in-depth analysis and background information about the film. This deepens my understanding and appreciation of the movie. For example, knowing the historical context or the director’s intention can add a layer of meaning that I might otherwise miss. In conclusion, reading reviews before watching a movie enhances both my selection process and my viewing experience.
2024年4月6日托福口语真题Task1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People’s social skills have declined as their use of technology has increased.
I disagree with the notion that people’s social skills have declined with increasing technology usage. While technology alters the landscape of social interaction, it does not necessarily diminish social skills. Platforms like social media and video conferencing expand communication opportunities, fostering digital socialization. Although face-to-face interaction may decrease, adaptability to diverse communication mediums becomes vital. Moreover, technology encourages creativity and empathy in navigating virtual social dynamics. However, it’s essential to recognize potential pitfalls like screen addiction and superficial connections. In conclusion, while technology transforms social norms, it doesn’t inherently deteriorate social skills; rather, it demands adaptability and balance in the digital age.
2024年3月23日托福口语真题Task1When attending events and activities, some people enjoy taking photographs of the events. Others, however, believe that taking photos disrupts their overall experience, so they prefer to simply immerse themselves in the activities. Which do you prefer? Why?
I prefer immersing myself in activities rather than taking photographs during events. Being fully present allows for a deeper appreciation of the experience, helping to understand and feel the essence and atmosphere of the event more profoundly.
Moreover, avoiding the distraction of photography fosters stronger connections with people around me, as we share the experience together. This shared involvement often leads to more meaningful and memorable interactions.
Additionally, focusing too much on capturing moments through a lens can lead to missing out on unforgettable experiences. While attempting to get the perfect shot, one might overlook the emotions and details unfolding in real-time around them.
In conclusion, fully engaging in activities without the interference of taking photos offers a richer, more connected, and authentic experience, enabling one to truly absorb the essence of the moment.
2024年3月6日托福口语真题Task1Some people believe robots will replace humans for many types of work in the future. Others don’t think so. Which do you agree and why?
I agree that robots will replace humans in many types of work in the future. Firstly, technological advancements have enabled robots to perform increasingly complex tasks, not only in manufacturing and logistics but also in some service industries, reducing the need for human labor.
Secondly, robots offer high efficiency, the ability to work without breaks, and lower error rates compared to humans. This makes them highly attractive to businesses seeking to improve productivity and reduce costs.
Lastly, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence, robots are gaining skills in decision-making, problem-solving, and complex communication. This improvement allows them to replace human work in an expanding range of fields.
In conclusion, the combination of technological progress, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and the evolving capabilities of AI and robotics strongly suggests that robots will play a dominant role in the workforce of the future, taking over many jobs currently performed by humans.